The easiest place to invest

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions

This Agreement is entered into by and these Terms & Conditions (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”) shall regulate the relationship between Fx Trade Market , with company , and the user (a natural or legal entity) (hereinafter referred to as the “Client”) of (hereinafter referred as the “Website”).

1. The Client confirms that he/she has read, understood and accepted all information, conditions and terms set out on Website which are open to be reviewed and can be examined by the public and which include important legal Information.


2. By accepting this Agreement, the Client agrees and irrevocably accepts the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement, its annexes and/or appendices as well as other documentation/information published on the Website, including without limitation to the Privacy Policy, Payment Policy, Withdrawal Policy, Code of Conduct, Order Execution Policy and Anti-Money Laundering Policy. The Client accepts this Agreement by registering an Account on the Website and depositing funds. By accepting the Agreement, and subject to the Company’s final approval, the Client enters into a legal and binding agreement with the Company.


3. The terms of this Agreement shall be considered accepted unconditionally by the Client upon the Company’s receipt of an advance payment made by the Client. As soon as the Company receives the Client's advance payment, every operation made by the Client on the Trading Platform shall be subject to the terms of this Agreement and other documentation/information on the Website.


4. The Client hereby acknowledges that each and any Operation, activity, transaction, order and/or communication performed by him/her on the Trading Platform, including without limitation through the Account, and the Website, shall be governed by and/or must be executed in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and other documentation/information on the Website.


5. By accepting this current agreement, the Client confirms that he/she is able to receive information, including amendments to the present Agreement either via email or through the Website.



General: These rules are official and the public offer of Fx Trade Market , acting in accordance with the Company, on the one hand, and the individual investor. This is equivalent to the conclusion of the Agreement in accordance with Investment law.



These rules shall enter into force on the date of registration of the Investor on the website of the program Fx Trade Market and his acceptance of the terms and conditions. If you disagree with these terms and conditions or any part of these terms and conditions, you must not use this website.



Any individual or company from any country may open an account on the website. You must be at least 18 years of age to use this website. You agree that all information, interactions, materials coming from Fx Trade Market are unsolicited and must be kept private, confidential and protected from any disclosure.


Investment Conditions

Each deposit is considered to be a private transaction between the company and its Member. Members perform all financial transactions solely at their own discretion and their own risk. The Investor personally decides whether or not to invest and how much to invest. All accruals in the Personal Account are made according to the chosen investment package.The Investor can make a deposit with only help of electronic payment systems used by the Company.



The Return on Investment depends on the selected investment package while each investment package allows for investing different amounts. You may choose any of the following e-currencies to make deposit: Bitcoin.



All accruals of profit are done automatically and in accordance with chosen investment plan. Depending on the amount of your deposit, you will receive guaranteed income for a certain period of time. Kindly know that your earnings depends your Investment plan, capital/principal.

Member Registration You must register as a Member to access certain functions of the Website. You are obliged to provide only complete and accurate information about yourself when registering as a Member or updating your Registration Data.



You agree to maintain and keep your Registration Data current and to update the Registration Data as soon as it changes. You are responsible for maintaining the security of your password.



Our Company and its service providers are not liable for any loss that you may suffer through the use of your password by others. Each Investor can register "N" number of accounts utilizing same details again and again, except your Email and Username if and only if there is an issue with the previous Account.



Re-Investment Conditions

Re-Investment in Fx Trade Market is necessary after earning and withdrawing for a period of time.



The Company reserves the right, but not obliged to the following: to set, at its absolute discretion, limits and/or parameters to control the Client’s ability to place orders or to restrict the terms on which a Transaction may be made. Such limits and/or parameters may be amended, increased, decreased, removed or added to by the Company.



The Client may transfer funds to the Company with different methods of payment as permitted by the Company from time to time and in any currency (acceptable by the Company), and such funds will be converted and managed in the Trading Platform in US Dollars or as determined by the Company, according to an exchange rate determined by the Company’s according to the available market rates.



Whenever the Client transfers funds to the Company, those funds belong to the Company and will be treated by it as its own for the purpose of securing or covering the Client’s present, future, actual, contingent or prospective obligations, subject only to any contractual obligation of the Company to pay or return fund to the Client according to the terms of this Agreement. The Client will not have a proprietary claim over fund transferred to the Company, and the Company can deal with it in its own right. In determining the amount of collateral and the amount of the Company’s obligations to pay or return fund to the Client, the Company may apply such methodology (including judgments as to the future movement of markets and values), as the Company considers appropriate.



The Funds deposited with the Company by the Client, together with any Profit or other Benefits the Client may be entitled to according to a specific agreement with the Company, shall be used as security to any Transaction, including Trading Losses, Commission and any other fee or debt owed by the Client to the Company, which will be automatically deducted from the Client’s equity in the Trading Account. The Client’s Funds shall not accumulate any interest or any other benefits. Trading in forex and/or binary options that relate to a reference security shall not grant the Client any right to dividends, voting, allocations or any other Benefits, but may be subject to adjustments according to financial or corporate events which may have an effect the reference security, such as distribution of dividends, splits etc.



Repayment of any funds by the Company to the Client will be in the same currency and to the same account/credit card from which the funds were originally transferred, unless the Company has decided, by its own discretion, to return the funds to a different account of the Client.



The Client declares that all funds that it transfers to the Company do not derive from any criminal or other illegal activity and without any violation of any applicable anti fund laundering laws and regulations.



Withdrawals – In case the Client gives an instruction to withdraw funds from the Trading/Account Balance, the client shall pay a withdrawal fee according to the company's tax and insurance fund requirements. The Company shall pay the specified amount (less any transfer charges, if applicable) once a duly instruction has been accepted and at the moment of payment, the Client’s margin requirements have been met. Withdrawal procedure may take up to 2 hours once Client’s documentation submitted and approved. The Company may cancel the Client’s withdrawal order, if, according to the Company’s discretion, the remaining funds (after the withdrawal) shall not be sufficient to secure open Position(s) in the Trading Account.



The Company shall debit the Client’s Trading Account for all payment charges. If the Client has the obligation to pay any amount to the Company which exceeds the amount held in the Client’s Trading Account, the Client shall immediately pay such amount upon Company’s request. The Company shall not provide physical delivery in relation to any Transaction. As mentioned above, Profit or loss is credited to or debited to or from the Trading Account (as applicable) once the Transaction is closed.



Trading Account balances and statements are displayed within the trading platform made available to the Client by the Company. Common terms definitions can be found on the Company’s Website.


Privacy and Data Protection

The Company shall hold some personal client information due to the nature of the Company’s business and relations with the Client. All data collected, whether on paper (hard copy) or on a computer (soft copy) is safeguarded in order to maintain the Client privacy